Give and you shall receive

The other side of discovering our true identity is through the 'gift of self' to others. There are many ways this can occur such as friendship, serving the poor or just using your gifts for the sake of others. It could be part of your job, voluntary work, family life, or any number of ways. What is common to all these situations is service, particularly using your gifts for others. 

The more we give of ourselves and engage our gifts and talents in what we do in service for others, the greater fulfilment we will achieve. Each of us being in the image and likeness of God express something unique of God that only we can express in creation. We yearn to live life to the full and only in giving ourselves to God and others can our natural gifts and talents be fulfilled. To discover our true vocation requires discernment. Only in that true vocation will we experience the greatest joy and have the greatest impact on the world for good. 

Practically, one way to discover our talents is to use the [clifton scale: see Divine Renovation].

Since we are made in the image and likeness of a Trinitarian God, only through giving of self can we achieve the fulfilment we yearn for. 

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Only through the gift of self can we learn our true identity. Through discernment we can discover what our true vocation is, which is where we will experience the greatest happiness and bring about the greatest good in the world.