The Examen Prayer Here are the original steps of the daily examen from Ignatius’ spiritual exercises of 1584METHOD FOR MAKING THE GENERAL EXAMENIt...
Fire Within Chapter 6 The Teresian Mansions Building upon what has already been detailed regarding vocal, meditative, and contemplative prayer we shall...
Into the Deep Into the Deep is an easy read yet integrates years of experience in guiding people into developing a prayer life...
Socratic Logic All of logic in two pages: an Overview (B)This is one of the shortest and simplest sections in this book...
The Philosophy of Thomas Aquinas This is the best introduction to the Philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas. There are summaries for each chapter that are...
Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius This is a free and copyright free translation of the Exercises from 1914. The Spiritual Exercises is the guidebook for...
Vices and Virtues In this three-part how-to guide, readers will get to know themselves with honesty, learn to accept themselves and their faults...
The Seven Deadly Sins Read this book, and you'll walk away armed with an arsenal of practical weapons to combat these sins and to...
Ethics: A History of Moral Thought This course addresses some of the eternal questions that man has grappled with since the beginning of time. What is...
Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church This summary aims to connect either with a quote or paraphrase every paragraph from the compendium. It has also reorganised...
The Bible Compass Part 1 Divine Revelation: The Unveiling of God Chapter 1: Is the Bible really inspired by God?The various books of...
The Discernment of Spirits FIRST WEEK RULES THE TEXT OF THE RULES Rules for becoming aware and understanding to some extent the different movements...
Prayer Primer St. Augustine put it in his classic prayer: "You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are...