Why is Aquinas such a good philosopher?
Reason 1: Aquinas combined faith and reason which was something that had never been done before. He married Jerusalem to Greece, Jews and Greeks, Religion and Science. He also combined clarity and profoundness, common sense and the technical also theory in practice.
Reason 2: Aquinas’ attitude towards synthetism. Aquinas managed to bring up philosophical viewpoints from the previous 18 centuries before him. These include: Heraclitus, Parmenides, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Plotinus, the Stoics, the Church Fathers, Augustine, Boethius, Abelard, Anselm, Bonaventure, Maimonides, Avicenna.
Reason 3: Aquinas’ ideas weren't ideas that were solely based in the Middle Ages. His philosophies are still alive today and are even compatible with ideas that are currently emerging
Reason 4: The simplicity of Aquinas’ writings are simple and yet profound at the same time. Aquinas places a large emphasis on Aristotle’s golden mean. That is, that the answer is found in the midpoint between two extremes.
Reason 5: Aquinas' close link between theoretical and practical sides of a problem. For instance, he wrote large amounts of answers to various practical questions such as how to get rid of depression (his answer was practical indeed; a hot bath, a glass of wine, and a good night’s rest)
Reason 6: The simple logic of Aquinas makes him easily accessible to people, his Syllogisms are natural and easy to follow which allows getting answers to questions simple.
Reason 7: The profoundness of his content is remarkable. Aquinas manages to talk about: the nature of God, man, life, death, soul, body, mind, will, passions, good, evil, virtue, vice, truth, beauty, time, eternity, being itself. This is all made clear through his simple language
Reason 8: Most importantly, Aquinas taught the truth. Which is to be held in high esteem