
Currently you can add the following parts:

Books: A 'book' on the site represents a real book. The link is to where you can buy it. The aim is to provide a summary of the book. Only the best books are added to the site. The information about the book (metadata) is included so a citation can be referenced.

Images: All images used are creative commons and therefore can be included into resources created from this site, modified and sold. The information about the image (metadata) is included so a citation can be referenced. Various croppings and sizes are stored for use in various ways such as for a bootstrap scroll, or thumbnail. Information about an image is included since images are catechetical in their own way.

Links: Links are to resources on the internet, mainly articles. The information about the link (metadata) is included so a citation can be referenced. Only the best articles are included.

Documents: Documents are the basic building blocks on the site which are based on a particular topic and connect to books, images and links. Documents can also reference multiple videos and any resource on this site. Documents have various views so the information can be presented appropriate to the context.

Sequences: Sequences reference document(s) and/or book(s) in a particular order. A sequence is meant to be visually appealing. Sequences are mobile friendly. 

Quizzes: A quiz used the powerful h5p set of interactives, which include the standard multiple choice question, but many more including adding quizzes, links and other features to videos. The score of quizzes is recorded and contributes to whether some passes a particular course.

Course: Courses are build by ordering some Sequences and Quizzes. Courses require a certain pass mark. 

Tasks: Are to keep track of incomplete tasks which can be assigned to members. Please take up any tasks you may be interested in.

Please register or login to access the quizzes.

Currently you can add links, images and books which are connected to a document. Courses are made up of sequences (which are made up of documents and/or books) and quizzes. Work still to be done is listed in tasks. Please take up any tasks you may be interested in.