How this site works

There are three ways to be part of this site.

Anonymous users can explore the content and have a go at the interactives, but no score is recorded.

Registered users' scores for the quizzes are stored and so (one day) will be able to gain certificates for completing particular sequences.

Approved users can contribute to the content through various roles.


Content on this site is structured to provide a clear logical path of faith formation. There are several content types which can be linked in various ways. Each of these content types is also known as a 'resource'. Each content type is a type of webpage on the site.

Sequences: Sequences are collections of other content types ordered in particular ways. Sequences can contain docs, books and other sequences.

Docs: Docs are the most basic of building blocks which connect content around a particular concept, such as the Trinity. Docs can contain other docs that are subtopics, eg the Trinity doc contains the Trinity Introduction, Person, Unity, God is Love and The Trinity is the Central Mystery Docs. These can contain other subsubtopics, etc. This hierarchical structure of docs is called a 'book' (like a book, chapter, section ...). Each Doc can have an image associated with it. Docs can also link to any other Doc, Link, Book or video. (Particular content types on the site will start with a capital letter, ie Sequences, Docs, Books, Links, Images, Landing Pages) Initially the content in the doc is structured so the video is with the first paragraph, external links (Links) are second last and links internally (Docs, Books) are last. When editing the Doc, these can be moved around to improve the logical flow of the Doc.

Books: A Book is where information about actual physically published material is stored. A Book may just have the metadata (author, title, publisher, etc, ie the citation) of the book and an image of the book. There should be a link to where the book can be bought. Books have a summary. The summary needs to be a useful summary that contains the key concepts the book is about with sufficient explanation so the reader can understand them. It should be about 4 pages (1000 -1200 words) in length. This summary can then  be used the same way as a Doc in covering a particular concept, though a book summary may contain several concepts. It is also possible for the summary to be broken up into separate Docs. There could be a Doc for each chapter summary.

Links: Links are to any external online resources such as articles. All metadata is also recorded. The licensing is no issue with links since the source is external to the website.

Images: Images not only enhance the website but are a key part of catechesis. Beauty evangelises. Having powerful and beautiful images draws the reader towards God the source of all beauty. Each image should be public domain so resources can be freely shared. The metadata for images as far as possible is also recorded. Several content types should have an image linked to it. This can provide a background for the heading or appear after the content when it is used in another content type such as a sequence.

Landing pages: These are very flexible webpages that can be made up of many different elements. They can be special pages about a particular theme, be a portal to other pages, or anything you can think of.

Content structure

Sequences have a linked image and can be made up of other sequences, docs and books.

Docs have a linked image and can be made up of other docs, links and books. They can reference any other content type.

Books have an image of the book, include a summary, but can have multiple docs as chapter summaries.

Links are a basic content type that has information and summary about the link.

Images are a basic content type. The information about the image can link to anything.

Landing pages can link to anything.


On this site is a content type called a Book. But there is also a way to connect Docs together in a hierarchical structure called a 'book'. Single quotation marks around book (ie 'book') will be used to differentiate Book from 'book'. So Docs and Books are 'bookable', ie Docs and Books can be put into a hierarchical structure. A Book should only contain Docs as summaries of the Book and not other Books.


Almost every resource on the website has a status. When a resource is first created it has the status 'draft'. Only the author and site admins can see the resource. Once the person who created the resource is happy with what the producer created, the producer can change the status of the resource from 'draft' to 'review theologically'. A theologian on the site can then review the resource make changes and change the status to 'review pedagogy'. A pedagog can then improve the resource add interactives such as quizzes and can then change the status to 'review eloquence'. An editor can improve the English and change the status to 'final review'. The site editor will review all aspects of the resource and can either send it back to a previous stage or change the status to 'approved'.

Each role can push any resource back to a status they have access to, eg theologians can push a resource that is 'final check' back to 'check accuracy'.

Since the content is public, but still needs to be reviewed there is a temporary process until all old content has passed through the review process. Currently all content can have a public 'published' status and a hidden version which can be improved. Once this hidden version is 'approved' it will then replace the public version. Once all old content has passed through this review process it will be changed so that the old published status will be turned off and the new 'approved' status will be the only visible public status. 

The roles you can have on the site

Producer: Can add images, links, docs, books, sequences and landing pages. Once they are happy with what they have created, they can change the status of the resource from 'draft' to 'review theologically'.

Theologian: Can theologically review the resource and should also check the accuracy of all links. This is best suited to people with a theological background and interest in that area.

Pedagog: Can improve the writing of the resource to make it more understandable to the audience. The pedagog should also add interactives to the resource to test how well the key points are understood. This role is primarily for teachers or those with skills in that area.

Editor: Can improve the English of the resource. This role is best of word smiths and grammarians.

Site Editor: Gives final approval to the resource. This role requires a good sense of the whole site and its objectives. This person should be an all rounder who has the site vision in hand and seeks to maintain consistency and order within the site.

SEO Admin: This is a special role which adds keywords to every resource for Search Engine Optimisation. Currently SEO is not workflowed.

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