Encountering Jesus (beginning to pray)

You go to a party and at this party is Jesus! You greet Jesus and you hear him telling you a story. You get to have a seat and discuss it with him. During the discussion there is something important he tells you and you know you need to keep hold of that point and put it into practice. Finally, you speak a word of thanks and explain how much this has meant to you since you have to go. 

This is prayer. But unlike any other casual meeting, we are meeting up with God. So the process of prayer takes this into account. The same process of this encounter are the steps to follow in prayer, greet, hear, seat, keep, speak. 

Greet: Say Hi to Jesus. There are many ways people greet Jesus in prayer, from the simple, "Hi Jesus", to ones more mindful of addressing God and asking for his grace. There is the traditional sign of the cross which is a powerful way to start prayer. There are various quotes from scripture such as, "Speak Lord your servant is listening." (1 Sam 3:10). You can ask for the gift of prayer, "Dear Lord give me the gift of prayer and perseverance, open my heart to experience your love and truth." Choose what works for you.

Listen: Listen to Jesus. Read a passage of the Bible. It's best to start with one of the Gospels. If you don't have a favorite, then maybe start with Mark since it's the simplest. Just one passage at a time. It's good to read slowly and imagine the passage. Enter into the passage itself and explore what is happening.

Seat: As you read the passage there should be a natural progression to reflecting on the passage. You are not in a library or museum studying about Jesus. You are with Jesus and he is with you. He wants to know about your life and what is happening so apply the passage to your life. There is always an application to your life. You might not discover it during the prayer time. It might apply at a later time. Remember Jesus is with you so ask him to explain the passage or how does the passage apply to your life.

Don't let distractions come in. If you are with Jesus you're not going to start daydreaming - so keep your focus on Him. Jesus knows all your problems but in this conversation we listen first and let go of our problems. He wants to bring you to a place of peace first and that happens through focusing in on him. Reflecting on scripture may flow into your problems. If so good. If not, don't let your problems distract you in prayer, since you wont have an open heart to receive the graces you need. Graces that will help you overcome your problems without you knowing it.

Deeper prayer can happen. The conversation can move from one of talking about things to one of love. If you were with your hero or the person you most look up to, you would be captivated by every word said. It would fill you with a great excitement. This can happen in prayer except it can be deeper than that. Gradually you can start to experience a deeper peace or presence of Jesus in prayer and you just want to sit and be with Jesus even in the silence, since you know he is with you. If this starts to happen, then allow it to happen and enjoy the experience. 

Keep: Towards the end of the prayer time work out what is the most important thing said. Maybe there was something you realized you should do, do differently or don't do anymore. Whatever it is focus on it and make sure you resolve to act on it accordingly. This is the second most important thing to happen in prayer. The first is to meet Jesus, the second is to do what Jesus is guiding you to do. If you put it into practice, prayer will deepen. If you don't then prayer can end up shallow. If you are experiencing nothing happening in prayer, then reflect on your life and what you need to do to come closer to Jesus. If you start making those changes, prayer will start to become alive.

Speak: This is your wrap up to prayer. It can be simple, "Thanks Jesus for this time with you." More summative by telling Jesus what this has meant for you and asking him for the graces you need, particularly to put into practice what you might be inspired to do. Traditional and powerful by ending with the Our Father and the sign of the cross. Or all three.

Greet, Hear, Seat, Keep and Speak. This is one way to pray. It is a great way to start, but like any relationship the style of conversation can change over time and so too can the way you pray. The key is for it to be real and personal. Always ask for the grace to pray well.

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1. Start with the sign of the cross

2. Preparatory prayer: “Dear Lord, please give me the gift of prayer and perseverance. Open my mind and heart to receive your love and truth.”

3. Read a passage of the Bible. Start with Mark's gospel. Focus on one passage for each prayer time. Gradually make your way through Mark's gospel.

5. Talk with Christ about the passage  as one friend speaks to another, eg  ask for some grace, ask what the passage means, talk about what is happening in your life or asking for God’s guidance in your life. You may like to pray for any needs you or others have.

6. Pray an Our Father. 

7. Finish with the sign of the cross.