S2X Trinity

Holy Trinity Icon Germas Loshnitsa

This is the advanced exploration of the Trinity.

Trinitarian Friendship

We need friends if we are to be our true selves.There is an unspoken moral code at the heart of friendship which is made explicit if broken.There is s...

Trinitarian Identity

Trinitarian identity comes from their relationship. God the Father is the Father because he is the Father of the Son. God the Son is the Son because i...

Our Identity

Indeed, the Lord Jesus, when He prayed to the Father, "that all may be one. . . as we are one" (John 17:21-22) opened up vistas closed to human reason...

Learn who you are in the Eyes of God

Learn who you are in the eyes of God

Give and you shall receive

Only through the gift of self can we learn our true identity. Through discernment we can discover what our true vocation is, which is where we will ex...

Trinitarian Family

The Trinity is the first family. All families are based on the Trinity. Our families are where we are meant to learn unconditional love and start to d...

Trinitarian Language

We need to use the right words to express the Trinity. The meaning of these words changed over time as their meaning better matched the reality of the...